Bridge to the Future, Inc. Contribution Form

Text Box: The Bridge Giving Clubs

Producers Club
($5000.00 and up)

Directors Club

Development Club

Concept Club

Community Club

Artist’s Club

Spirit Club

Focus Club
(up to $49)

Mission Statement

Bridge to the Future, Inc. works to introduce urban 
youth to the arts through film, art, writing and visual media.  We are committed to youth working together to create an environment of positive outlets to express their ideas.  Our approach includes hands on training, counseling and exposure to the entrepreneurial concept of becoming a creative artist using tomorrow’s technology. Our mission includes helping them to understand their role as leaders and creators in their communities.

I/we are pleased to contribute to Bridge to the Future’s Annual Operating Fund:

          Amount $________________________


_____ I have enclosed a check/money order.


_____ I wish to make a one time donation of $________.


_____ Please bill my credit card MC/Visa. (circle one)


Card #_______________________Exp. Date_______Code#__


Signature ______________________________________

Sign me up to the _________________________  Club (choose from the left column)


Make donations payable to: Bridge to the Future, Inc.


_____ Please have someone contact me.


_____ I would like to receive periodic updates on your    activities by email.


Email address:___________________________________


Name on card:



Billing Address:



Alt. Phone:


(print this form for your receipt)


Please return to:


Bridge to the Future, Inc.

P.O. Box 47211

Oak Park, Michigan  48237




or email to :  bridge@ispgroupinc/com


We are a 501c3 classified organization,

your contribution is fully tax deductible.