1. F-stops relate to:   a. lens opening 
2. ASA relates to:   a. film sensitivity
3. Depth of Field increases with a:   b. wide lens 
4. An ND.3 filter reduces the light by:  b. one stop
5. Shooting tungsten film outside generally requires:   b. an 85 filter 
6. Barn doors:  b. control the light
7. A pan moves the camera:  a. horizontally
8. Faster films have slightly more grain than slower films.   a. true 
9. Grain increases when a film is pushed.  a. true 
10. Flare can be avoided by:  b. flagging a lens 
11. What does not effect depth of field?  c. frame rate 
12. Foot candles are:  b. a measure of illumination 
13. For slow motion, a film camera would run:  c. 48 fps 
14. Incident meters read light that:  b. hits the meter 
15. Regular-16mm image area is larger than the Super-16mm image area.   
b. false 
16. Ramping refers to:   b. changing the camera speed during a shot 
17. An upside-down slate indicates:  b. clap at the end of a take
18. Smoke or fog can be illuminated by:  b. back light
19. NTSC video runs at:  b. 29.97 fps
20. Super 16 uses the area on the film reserved for:   a. sound
21. The 1st AD is generally not responsible for:   a. Preparing the 
call sheets 
22. In black and white, a yellow filter:   b. darkens the sky 
23. Long lenses:   b. compress a scene
24. HMI light is balanced to match:  a. daylight 
25. The shutter speed of a film camera running at 24fps is 
approximately:  b. 1/50th second 
26. An answer print is made from:  c. the original negative.
27. In the Art Department, the Production Designer is second in command 
to the Art Director: b. false
28. On a 35mm release print, the optical sound track is placed: b. 
inside the perfs
29. A polarizing filter has about a two stop light loss when rotated 
to:  c. any position
30. The Best Boy is:  a.  second in command in electric department 
31. The Gaffer is: b. head of the electric department 
32. Faster films have slightly more contrast than slower films.  b. 
33. Tungsten film shot outside during the day without a filter looks:  
b. blue 
34. Flashing is: a. exposing the undeveloped negative 
35. What do the letters ASC after a DP's name mean? b. DP is member of 
American Society of Cinematographer's
36. What is the Casting Director not usually responsible for? c. 
setting up auditions for background actors
37. A barney reduces:  b. camera noise
38. What does a Foley Artist do?  b. creates sound effects
39. The Key Grip is in charge of:  b. the c-stands and flags
40. The Location Manager/Scout is generally hired:  a. during 
41. The Post-Production Supervisor is responsible for:  b. technical 
aspects of the post process
42. Camera reports generally include:  a. footage shot
43. The Line Producer is generally responsible for:  b. Writing the 
44. How long does it take to shoot 15 seconds of screen time at 48fps?  
a. 7.5 seconds 
45. Diffusion material creates softer light when placed closer to a 
light source. b. false
46. Put the following credits in order of importance: (A) Associate 
Producer, (B) Producer, (C) Line Producer, (D) Executive Producer, (E) 
Co-Producer:   b.  B, D, E, A, C
47. The UPM is usually hired by:  b. the Line Producer 
48. The UPM is usually not responsible for:  c. preparing the call 
49.What's the running time of 635 feet of 35mm film projected at 24fps?  
a. 7.05 mins 
50. Which of the following is not a recognized film aspect ratio?  b. 
51. To convert a camera from super-16 to regular-16 the lens must:  b. 
move horizontally
52. Pushing film decreases contrast:  b. false
53. Overexposing film increases density on the negative.  a. true 
54. To warm an image, use an:  a. 81 filter
55. Collimation refers to:  b. flange focal distance 
56. Who should prepare your prospectus and investor memorandum?  c. 
your attorney
57. CTO is cooler than 85.  a. true
58. What does the letters M.O.S. stand for?  a. mit out sound
59. 5274 film has more latitude that 7274.  a. true
60. Super-35 is generally projected as:  b. an anamorphic print 
61. An HMI with a magnetic ballast will flicker at:  b. 48fps 
62. "Above the Line" cost usually refers to:  b. cost of the cast and 
63. Back focus is more critical with:  a. wide lenses 
64. The key grip is generally not in charge of:  b. the light stands 
65. Which of the following is not true about managers?  c. a manager is 
legally qualified, and contracted by you to seek out work for you
66. A double is any person who is used to replace lead actors and stars 
for tedious parts of filmmaking: b. false
67. Which of the following positions are not below the line?  c. line 
68. 16mm film has more depth of field than 35mm film because of:  a. 
the gate size 
69. Which country has the largest film industry in terms of film 
output?  b. India
70. Who is responsible for a shot being in focus?  c. director of 
71. Whose job is it to get a shot in focus?  a. first camera assistant 
72. The 180 degree axis line refers to:  b. screen direction 
73. A stand-in is someone who is used in place of cast member where the 
real actor cannot be used because of danger or other reasons:  b. false
74. Under international copyright treaties, your script is 
automatically copyrighted as soon as you write it: a. true 
75. A "Spec Script" is:  c. a script written with hopes that someone 
will buy it
76. A blow-by-blow synopsis of your script is generally called a:  b. 
77. If you were writing a budget you would use which of the following 
software programs?  a. Movie Magic
78. Which of the following is not part of the standard three-act 
structure when writing a screenplay? b. story 
79. When writing a 110-120-page screenplay, your first turning point 
should occur around pages: b. 25-35 
80. SAG has special rates for independent films budgeted under:  c. 
$2.0 million
81. SAG has a special low budget agreement for films with a large 
minority cast and crew. a. true
82. Who is the only African-American director to be nominated for best 
directing by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences?  b. John 
83. BONUS QUESTION. If you could only afford to pay one of the 
following crew members, which one would it be and why:  b. the 1st AC
#83.  Explain:  There is no right answer to this question.  However, 
it's a lot cheaper to fix bad sound, than it is to fix a series of out of 
focus shots, so I would have chosen (b), the 1st AC.  With the high 
speed  film stocks today, anyone who read a few books on lighting could 
make a shot look good.  Also, it's not hard today to find a DP to work 
for free for his reel.  Good 1st AC's will always require you pay them.   

You should always be the last to get paid, if at all.