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Free Monologues

(For The Serious Young Actor)

"One Way Street" (Teen Monologue, Female)*bewildered*

Janice has just called Cheryl with another problem. She is more of a talker than a listener, and as always has something to complain about. Cheryl on the other hand, has an active life, full of meaningful relationships and always busy. Somehow I get the feeling that Janice needs Cheryl, more than the other way around.

Janice: (On the Phone) Hey, girl! Sorry I haven't called you back. My Mom's throwing a fit again. Two weeks ago, it was because I snuck out at night to go to a party out on the beach, last week because I skipped school to go to the mall, and now today because she found that pack of cigarettes I had hidden in my underwear drawer...she shouldn't be in my room anyways. (Beat) Oh, yeah, tell me about it! Thank goodness I have you to talk too; otherwise I'd surely lose my mind. It's not easy being understood nowadays. (Beat) I'm O.K. I guess. It's more annoying than anything else. I just feel like curling-up and falling asleep when this happens. You think everything will be O.K.? Really...thanks girl. I appreciate your encouragement. You're always there for're the best friend a girl could ever make me feel so...Hello? Hello? (To the Audience) Why, that little tramp hung-up on me again!