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Episode II

General Info
Plot Synopsis




Mirror #1
Mirror #2
Mirror #3
Mirror #4
Mirror #5
Mirror #6

Collection 2 Figs
8:09 PM Monday 14, Jan. 2002

The Official Site updated with a pic of Hasbro's collection 2 figs, including Shaak-Ti, Capn' Typho, Boba Fett, and a Tusken Mother & child. Nothing we haven't seen before, but noteworthy regardless...

Prequel Potpourri
12:53 PM Sunday 13, Jan. 2002

Hey there, gang. Yeah I know, I know. Every time I walk down the street, star wars fans hungry for news pin me against a wall and ask "Damion, when the hell are you going to update that damned site of yours??" A quick punch in my gut, and they're gone. Well, one day I'll update on a regular day, if dreams really can come true.

N' or out?
Some conflicting reports here, folks. Just as I was about to pop the cork on a bottle of champagne, I start hearing that it may be too soon to celebrate. First off, Joey Fatone (an infamous member of N'STYNC) told
Carson "In a year or two, I'll be living in obscurity with Downtown Julie Brown" Daly that their cameo in AOTC was cut due to fan reacton. That sounds all well and good, but the Alpha Female of PR at Lucasfilm, Lynne Hale, insists that only Lucas can make a decision on that, and he'll only do it when he gets a final edit close to May. I really don't care either way, to be honest. Sure it sucks if they're in it, but it's only a split-second cameo.

Updates on other websites
Yes, the world keeps turning.
My homeboy Tai over at Ep-X has some awesome news about a TON of AOTC books now available for pre-order (all due out April 22nd), including Amazon's image of the "Art of AOTC" book cover (I've already pre-ordered that beauty).

And the official site has updates (and new images) on Hasbro's first wave of AOTC figs, AOTC comics due out in April, and a feature on Padmé's Tatooine outfit.

Finally, the ultimate playa, T-Bone Fender, has some awesome updates you might not want to miss.

Get 'em while they're hot...
9:15 PM Saturday 5, Jan. 2002

When it rains, it pours. This zip folder contains a whole slew of pics of AOTC prototypes. Could they be fake? I doubt it; if they are, they're very well done fakes. Anyway, Lucasfilm is in gestapo mode so download them now!

Awesome new AOTC pics!
8:48 PM Saturday 5, Jan. 2002 has gotten a hold of a ton of sweet (although blurry) AOTC production photos. The best one has to be the montage of sweet is that? Check out their collection of photos here.

Just in case Lucasfilm sicks the hounds on, I'll leave this handy zip file here so you don't miss out.

5:53 PM Saturday 29, Dec. 2001

Wow. Just got back to updating and already got some major news...albiet BAD news. One of my sources has told me, believe it or not, that N'SYNC will be in AOTC! I didn't buy it at first either, but this has been confirmed across the board by very reliable sources. It makes sense that GL would do this. Apparently, his daughter's a big fan.

Anyway, although this is VERY VERY BAD NEWS, I wouldn't puke just yet. They'll probably be extras in the Nightclub. If we're lucky, we'll just see the back of their heads for a split second. The worst case scenario: They'll be singing on stage at the nightclub.....ugh....
Damn you, George.

I just recieved word from a very reliable source about the details of N'SYNC's cameo; Apparently, they're each Jedi Knights in the arena battle on Geonosis. They're only seen for literally a half-a-second, waaaay in the background getting blown up by droids. A blurry, far background, split second shot of N'SYNC dying. Not that bad actually......

Late present: Toys, toys, toys...
and the Qui-Gon conspiracy

5:28 PM Saturday 29, Dec. 2001

Long time no update.... Well, there have been many changes in my personal life, and I just got a break from very nice few weeks of partying. So, apologies to all. To make up, here's a bit of a late holiday gift. While I've been away the spoiler world has gone on. Finally we're getting our first look at AOTC figs! As Jack Chick so eloquently once said, "Ummmm....NICE!"

Hasbro's AOTC summary
First up is the AOTC plot summary that will be appearing on Hasbro's merchandise: "Ten years after the fight to save Naboo from invasion, the galaxy is on the brink of civil war. Under the leadership of a renegade Jedi, hundreds of solar systems threaten to secede from the Galactic Republic. A courageous Jedi master, his troubled apprentice, and a queen turned senator are drawn into the heart of the conflict.... and the beginning of war."

Fig pics galore
These are pics of AOTC figs and merchandise that have popped up online since our last update:
An Obi-Wan prototype w/ Kit Fisto & Anakin
Tusken mom and child w/ "Imperial" guard
Nexu and Mace Windu
Jango and accessories
An Obi-Wan prototype w/ Kit Fisto & Anakin
Zam Wesell and Shaak-Ti
Astromech droid being electrocuted
Padmé (chained to arena pole)
The Reek
Tusken mom w/ child
LEGO: Yoda vs. Dooku final duel

The Qui-Gon mystery solved???
Head over to Chucko's to read all about this one. Remember those screen-caps we posted from an AOTC Making Of video a while ago? It was my contention that that was Liam Neeson in those pics! I think this may be the confirmation we were waiting for!

New Teaser: "Forbidden Love"!
2:38 PM Friday 16, Nov. 2001 posted the full Teaser Trailer (appearing nationwide with Harry Potter), "Forbidden Love" today! Download it here.

The trailer isn't as good as "Mystery", but it does showcase a lot of important dialogue in the movie. I like this dialogue a lot, and I'm very happy with Hayden and Natalie's acting! Hayden IS Anakin...a perfect choice. If you want to see screen-caps of the teaser, go to TK421- Whereabouts Unknown.

New Insider Pics!
4:33 PM Wednesday 14, Nov. 2001

JediNet has posted a whole slew of brand new AOTC pics straight out of the latest issue of Star Wars Insider. The pics are totally awesome, so make sure you take a look.

BTW: The next teaser trailer ("True Love") is going to be released online tomorrow!
UPDATE: Nope, not true. Friday.

UPDATE: New AOTC Teaser: "Mystery"!!!
4:33 PM Saturday 10, Nov. 2001

Want to download the new Teaser?? Go here!!
OH MY GOD......This teaser trailer is absolutely beautiful... A must see.

Unfortunately, it's only available for people who have the TPM DVD and a DVD-Rom drive...and won't let you save it to your PC. That sucks because this thing is incredible...a work of art... Trust me, you'll love this trailer. If you have the DVD and a DVD-Drive, shove it into your PC RIGHT NOW.

That Teaser poster from a few weeks back.... Turns out it's the REAL thing; 100% legit. Credit goes to Dark Horizons.

Yep, this is the REAL thing.

Official Site confirms it: Two more trailers coming!!
3:46 PM Tuesday 6, Nov. 2001 finally confirmed the rumors; YES, THERE WILL BE TWO MORE TRAILERS THIS MONTH!!
This friday- Teaser B, an exclusive download for those with the TPM DVD.
November 16th- Teaser C, the full-length teaser trailer complete with dialogue! It'll be showing in front of Harry Potter.
This is how I feel right now...

Check out the article here.

Art of AOTC book cover!
3:34 PM Monday 5, Nov. 2001

The guys at the Dutch SW Fan Club, have managed to get their hands on the cover of the upcoming book "The Art of STAR WARS Episode II: Attack of the Clones". Be sure to go and take a look.

In case you're wondering what's going on in the cover image, I've worked on the image to help you out.
Click here to see my version of the image.

Teaser, TFN, etc, etc
UPDATE: Official Teaser available now!

11:15 AM Monday 5, Nov. 2001

The Official Site didn't want to offer up the trailer for download..."wait until Monday", they said. Okay... If Lucasfilm doesn't want to see the net flooded with bootlegs, making the fans wait two days just so Monsters Inc. could get a financial weekend push from Uncle George wasn't the right thing to do. Ah well. Ens, don't make us wait too long for that official teaser today!!
Hmmm... TOS offers the official version early in the day? This wouldn't be an attempt to combat the bootleggers, would it?
Anyway, GO HERE NOW.

Ein Volk, Ein Chit, Ein TFN!!
Were you one of the many people who went to the JC Forums asking for bootleg links in the past few days? I think you'll be interested in a lil' something...
Read this- Public JC Policy
All done? Now read this- Private JC Policy
Go to this hilarious ingenius site!
To's webmaster; I tip my hat to you, sir!

Collecting News
Updated the collecting section with news about Lego's AOTC line.
Check it out

About the teaser trailer
5:20 PM Thursday 1, Nov. 2001

I just wanted to give you guys the low-down on the teaser coming out tomorrow.

Downloading the Trailer
ANY teaser trailer that you have downloaded on the internet that you think is the AOTC trailer..... It's not REAL. I don't care how good it looks, even if you've seen "new" footage that looks very convincing. The REAL teaser has NO SOUND EFFECTS, and no music and is only 30 seconds long. If the trailer you've seen doesn't fit this criteria, it is 100% fake. The bad news is that will not be offering the trailer for download tomorrow. Unforutnately, business and industry politics won out here so that Monsters Inc. could get a big opening weekend. Ah well. I shouldn't complain. So, if you want to to see it tomorrow, you have no choice but to go to a theater and buy a ticket for Monsters, Inc. sure to ask at the front desk which movie the trailer is playing with. The theater may not be showing it with Monsters, Inc.

Good luck!

Very interesting...
5:32 PM Wednesday 31, Oct. 2001

TFN and the JC forums...ah, these guys are such a riot.

If you'd like to see something very interesting, click here.
BTW: Happy Halloween. Remember to check your candy for razor blades!

It's official: Teaser trailer news
2:21 PM Monday 29, Oct. 2001 has put up news about the rumored 30-second teaser to appear exclusively in front of Monsters Inc., starting November 2nd. See the news story here.

Apparently, they've also put up...the official logo for AOTC. Is this the final version?? God, I hope not. I don't know about you, but I really dislike this whole "Episode blah blah" thing. The name of a Star Wars movie should be the name of the episode, not the episode number itself.... It's just a very cold and extremely dull way to market a movie. What if we called TESB "Episode V" instead of "The Empire Strikes Back"?...yuck.

Plot update
12:38 PM Sunday 28, Oct. 2001

I've update the plot synopsis with information that has been floating around for a while. Now the plot's more accurate and has more details.
Check it out.

Jedinet's editorial on TFN
12:09 AM Sunday 28, Oct. 2001

Recently I've been wondering whether or not I should come down on TFN publically on this website. No matter how small this site is and no matter how many visitors I get, I'm not sure I should waste your time with my personal feelings about or my feud with it's rulers. But, I wouldn't post anything here unless I felt that you should know it, and I definitely feel that the actions of are something you should know.
I think that, directly or indirectly, influences almost every single Star Wars website, especially those concerned with the prequels. For a long time now, they've been so powerful and large a website as to unofficially represent the online SW fan community. Their actions, their attitudes, and their policies affect us, and those of you who run your own Star Wars websites might be especially influenced by them.

If you're interested in the truth and you have time to read about how two men transformed the voice of Star Wars fandom into a virtual mafia, then read this excellent editorial.

New "Making Episode II" Video
12:15 PM Saturday 27, Oct. 2001

Despite our fight with, the Star Wars world does go on. put up a new "Making Episode II" video, this time focusing on Ben Burtt and Matthew Wood, the sound experts of AOTC. Not terribly interesting, although we do get a juicy still of Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter in the asteroid chase scene. I just hope they feature Chris Lee in the next one.

Check out the video here.


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