Bridge to the Future,Inc.
Detroit - Los Angeles
Brian Heath-Exec. Director

Creative programs in Media and Visual arts, Theater and Community Service



Help Us Locate These Missing Children website contains information about, and when available, pictures of Michigan Children who have been reported to law enforcement as runaways or potential abductions. This information is being provided by the State because it is believed the children are at risk, and it is in the best interest of these children that they be located.


Funding Program

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  Bridge to the Future, Inc.


Past Projects:

Our programs involve the process of creative thinking and problem solving through Filmmaking, Theatrical production, Music, and the visual arts such as painting on canvas, puppet-making and creative writing.

This past year our kids did all of the below including attending the Nutcracker Ballet.

Computer basic training - includes computers, instructors and materials.

Advanced Computer Tech Training - A+ and WindowsNT Certification Program for high school age students and adults.  Includes computers, instructors and materials.

Basic Karate Class - building self esteem and giving recreation to kids 6 - 12.  Includes an instructor.

Tai Chi class - for seniors who want to experience the ancient oriental art of meditation and relaxation.  Also teaches herbal healing remedies.

Art Appreciation for Kids - this kids day out program teaches kids 5 - 12 to paint on canvas, make puppets, paint banners and have an art show at the end of the program.  Arts and crafts instructor and materials provided.

After-school tutoring program - math, reading and writing skills program for middle school students.  This is a comprehensive program which involves working with a school on your area and/or your kids in-house.  The program is designed around your particular situation.  Program administrator and guidelines provided.

Arts & Humanities class - this class is an experience in creative writing and filmmaking.  We bring in cameras, lights and sound equipment.  The students learn to develop a script and then produce a finished film by the end of the course good enough for film festivals.

Senior field trips - we can provide a program facilitator to design senior field trips and outings to lunches, affairs and theatre events.

College Bound one day seminar for high school seniors - learn about how to prepare and apply for college, find scholarships and grants, how to study and stay in college.  Program given by college admissions experts.

Youth Lock-in - 12 hours of fun, food and excitement.  We design the program around your goals.  We have worked with churches and other facilities on these programs.