Agnes Bidell
An audio oral history of survival as she faces the perils of
civil war in Liberia West Africa 1990 - 1998.  Agnes ran with 3 children to care for. She evaded certain death from fighting factions. She requested that no video be made to protect her identity as well as no publication of her name until she was safe in the U.S.A.

Agnes Bidell
Beulah Hamilton
Balthazar Korab
David DiCheria
Ed Vaughn
George D Arnold
Hubert Massey
Jeanne Poulet
Karen DiChiera
Leno Jackson
Maggie Allesee
Marcus Belgrave
Richard Danielpour
Ron Milner
Stephen Knapp
Thurgood Marshall Vid
Blues Rhythm
Charles McGee
Frenchie Davis
Documentary Home
Vintage Detroit Hip Hop
about Brian
Home-Brian Heath
My oral histories and artist documentary footage are quite detailed.  Some are filmed interviews and oral histories, others are behind the scenes documentation.  They are being logged and arhcived for historical reference. The subjects have been photographed, videotaped or audio recorded by me.

I am actively working to complete the archives of the footage, photographs and audio recordings of each individual.  There is a long list of artists to be added and archived into this new part of my site over the next year.

Agnes Bidell audio file 2:38 min


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© Brian Heath 2021

Bridge to the Future, Inc.

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